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News Archives - Page 16 of 22 - EuFoA


Caucasian Chamber Orchestra in the European Parliament

On Tuesday, 26 October 2010, MEP Milan Cabrnoch, Chairman of the Delegation to the EU-Armenia, EU-Azerbaijan and EU-Georgia PCCs, organised a concert by the Caucasian Chamber Orchestra in the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was held in collaboration with, among others, the European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA), the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR), the Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the EU, the Mission of Georgia to the EU and the EU-Georgia Business Council... Read more

Azerbaijani President now also questions current territory of the Republic of Armenia

In a recent address to the Cabinet, the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Alliyev has stated that Armenia is located in ancient Azerbaijani lands by emphasising that Zangezur, Irevan khanate belong to Azerbaijan. He has also emphatically put the status of Nagorno-Karabakh in doubt by discussing the origin of the name Karabakh, with the goal to prove that Nagorno-Karabakh in reality belongs to Azerbaijan. In addition, he blamed Armenia for creating the second Armenian state on the... Read more

Fatal cease-fire violations continue along the line of contact in Nagorno-Karabakh

Fatal clashes at the cease-fire line at the Karabakhi border are recently becoming more intensive, as the OSCE Minsk group co-chairmen travel to the region. On this occasion, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office strongly condemned the recent violations of the ceasefire agreement, while the Minsk group co-chairmen reminded that "the use of force created the current situation, and its use again would only lead to suffering, devastation, and a legacy of conflict and hostility that would last for... Read more

Round table on Association Agreement negotiations

On Tuesday 6 July 2010, EuFoA held a round table at its Brussels office with Mr Gunnar Wiegand, Director for Eastern Europe, South Caucasus and Central Asia at DG Relex in the European Commission. The subject of the round-table was the new and upcoming Association Agreement negotiations between the EU and Armenia. Armenia and the EU are currently developing an increasingly close relationship which goes beyond mere cooperation. More than one year has passed since the launch of the Eastern... Read more

EU officials condemn breach of ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh

After the trilateral meeting of the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian Presidents on Nagorni-Karabakh conflict in Moscow on 17 June, the ceasefire on the ground was violated. During the night from 18 to 19 June, a shooting incident took place on the contact line in the Mardakert region. The incident resulted in casualties - 4 Armenian soldiers and 1 Azerbaijani were killed. International bodies and EU officials have reacted to the situation. Strongly condemning the incident, the OSCE Minsk... Read more

Strong debate in Armenia about EP resolution

The recent European Parliament resolution on South Caucasus sparked intensive debate in Armenia. On this occasion, the EuFoA press release on the subject strongly contributed to the debate and was extensively quoted in Armenian media. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty used it for its news piece on the resolution and other media have entirely reprinted the press release.   Below please find the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty article.   Armenia Raps EU Parliament Over Karabakh... Read more

On the Armenian Remembrance Day will Obama pronounce the word “genocide”? By Il Riformista

On 24 April, Il Riformista published an article by our Senior Research Fellow, Mr Ghazaryan, on the Armenian Remembrance day.   Here are few excerpts translated in English from the article.   (...) The first generation of survivors (of the genocide) avoided talking about the genocide for the fear of not being understood, for the lack of reference models, given the inconceivable extent of that crime. The negation of and the lack of sanctions for genocide combined with... Read more

Ashton regrets loss of momentum in Armenia-Turkey rapprochement

European Friends of Armenia welcomes the statement by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Baroness Catherine Ashton, released yesterday 26 April on the normalisation process between Turkey and Armenia. As stressed in her declaration, the Armenian government remains committed to pursue the process of normalisation with Turkey and has not withdrawn the signature under the protocols. EuFoA interprets the suspension of the rapprochement process as a diplomatic answer... Read more

Armenian President announces suspension of ratification of Armenia-Turkey protocols

On Thursday 22 April, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan gave a televised speech on the process of normalisation of relations between Armenia and Turkey, in which he announced suspension of ratification of Armenia-Turkey protocols.   French President Nicolas Sarkozy and US State Department both issued statements in which they expressed their understanding for Sargsyan's decision and applaud his commitment to normalisation of relations with Turkey.   Below you can find links to... Read more

Meeting with a French organisation « Collectif mémoire et avenir » in the European Parliament

EuFoA, represented by its Secretary General Michael Kambeck and Project Manager Lidia Gromadzka, participated in a meeting with a French organisation from Valence, « Collectif mémoire et avenir". The event took place Wednesday 14 April in the European Parliament and was organised by French MEP, Ms Michèle Rivasi. Please find below an article published in "Le Dauphiné Libéré" on Sunday 18 April and reprinted in an online newspaper "Nouvelles d'Arménie". Le Collectif Mémoire et... Read more

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