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History - EuFoA


Established in 2009, with offices in Brussels and Yerevan, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) is an international non-profit organisation registered under Belgian law. EuFoA is one of the first Foreign Affairs NGOs registered in the EU’s voluntary Transparency Register and committed to its Code of Conduct (reg. number 71696536357-87). In this framework, EuFoA supports the work of the European Parliament in various working committees and subcommittees.


In June 2009, EuFoA established the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council, which achieved important results through external communication activities concerning Armenia’s foreign policy questions and internal political matters.


Some examples of the aforementioned activities include:


  • The Council awarded Baroness Caroline Cox as first recipient of The Charles Aznavour Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Fostering Europe-Armenian Friendship (25 November 2013): The Charles Aznavour Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Fostering Europe-Armenian Friendship
  • Call for free and fair presidential elections by the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council (15 February 2013)
  • A choice for Armenia: Statement of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council on Armenia’s Parliamentary Elections on 6 May 2012
  • Շնորհավոր Հայաստան!: Statement of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council on Armenia’s Independence Day (21 September 2011)
  • Europe-Armenia Advisory Council Open Letter to the EU in reaction to Turkish attempts to obstruct the ratification of the Zurich Protocols (10 February 2010)


The organisation was re-activated after the 2016 April Four Days war in Nagorno-Karabakh.


Diogo Pinto took the helm as Director of European Friends of Armenia in September 2016.


Since then, EuFoA activities have experienced a constant improvement. For more information about EuFoA activities, consult our What we do page.


In November 2017, EuFoA launched its Honorary Council consisting of highly influential European personalities, willing to contribute to the achievement of EuFoA’s goals.

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