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News Archives - Page 13 of 22 - EuFoA


Putin can showcase his strength becoming star of peace in Karabakh

On 24 July 2012 Dr Michael Kambeck, EuFoA Secretary General, gave an interview to Tert.am. He shared his views on the Karabakh elections, the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as well as the up-coming EU donor conference for Armenia.   Click here to read the interview in Armenian Click here to read the interview in Russian Please, find below the interview. "Putin can showcase his strength becoming star of peace in Karabakh - Michael Kambeck" (Source:... Read more

The ODIHR Election Observation Mission and the Ombudsman release their reports on the Armenian Parliamentary Elections

The ODIHR Election Observation Mission and the Human Rights Defender of Armenia have recently released their reports on the Armenian Parliamentary Elections, which took place on 6 May 2012. Below we provide you with some excerpts from these two reports. Excerpts from the Final Report of ODIHR Election Observation Mission "The election campaign was vibrant, competitive and largely peaceful, with a few isolated violent incidents. Electoral Code provisions aimed at ensuring equal... Read more

ENP Country Progress Report on Armenia – 2011

The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published on 15 May 2012 the annual "neighbourhood package" which included among other documents a country report on Armenia (on developments in 2011 and a set of recommendations for the future).     Please click here to see the full report.     Below, please find an article of a1plus regarding the report:   EU assesses progress in relations... Read more

Armenia’s Parliamentary Elections commented by international community

On Sunday 6 May 2012, the parliamentary elections took place in Armenia. The National Assembly is composed of 131 seats. 90 members are elected in the proportional system and 41 members are directly elected with a simple majority in their constituency. The international observers of the elections came mainly from four institutions: the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and the... Read more

Two EuFoA events on the upcoming parliamentary elections in Armenia

On 27 March 2012 European Friends of Armenia held two roundtables at EuFoA's office dedicated to the upcoming parliamentary elections in Armenia. During the first one, Dr Michael Kambeck, Mr Hovhannes Grigoryan (Director of IPSC) and Dr Steve Schwarzer (Methodology and Statistics Manager at TNS opinion) presented the results of the opinion poll entitled "Poll: A Snapshot of Pre-Electoral Armenia". During the second event, the German Ambassador in Armenia H.E. Mr Hans-Jochen Schmidt joined the... Read more

The Diaspora is a bridge between Armenia and Europe

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan came to Belgium on 5 March 2012 for a working visit during which he negotiated the Association Agreement (AA) and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with the European Union, as well as the visa facilitation agreement. On 5 March 2012, he met the representatives of NGOs (including EuFoA) and the Armenian community in Belgium. Armenian media were present and widely covered the event. Please click here to watch the report of Armenia TV from the... Read more

EU launches free trade negotiations with Armenia

On 21 February 2012, the EU decided to launch the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) negotiations with Armenia. The aim of these negotiations will be to achieve a closer economic integration of Armenia with the EU and to boost Armenia's economic growth and investment. This will be achieved through the tackling of market access condition and regulatory approximation.     EU launches free trade negotiations with Armenia (Source:... Read more

Armenia ranked 39th in World Economic Index, 19th in Europe

Armenia ranks 39th in the world according to the latest index of Economic Freedom released by the Heritage Foundation, in cooperation with the Wall Street Journal; with a score of 68.8, down by a point from last year's index. However, Armenia ranks 19th out of 43 European countries.   Down/Up: Armenia drops in Economic Freedom but excels over bordering foes (source: http://www.armenianow.com/economy/34603/armenia_economic_freedom_index)   The latest Index of Economic Freedom... Read more

The 10th round of trilateral Karabakh talks took place in Sochi

On 23 January the Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia met in Sochi to discuss the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This was their tenth trilateral summit. A joint statement was issued in which the leaders noted that in the aftermath of intensive negotiations a progress has been achieved in the coordination of the basic principles of Nagorno-Karabakh settlement. Below we provide you with an article by Public Radio of Armenia on the results of the meeting of the Presidents of... Read more

Why don’t the Armenian “EPP parties” do their homework?

On 17 December 2011 Mediamax news agency (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published his commentary on the co-operation between 4 Armenian political parties and the European People's Party (EPP).   Click here to read the column in Armenian Click here to read the column in Russian     Why don't the Armenian "EPP parties" do their homework? (Source: http://www.mediamax.am/en/column/12182/)   Last week in... Read more

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