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December 2015 - EuFoA

Month: December 2015

Conference Minutes: ‘European Union & Armenia: Relations and the Way Ahead’

EuFoA and MEP Michèle Rivasi have jointly organized a conference 'European Union & Armenia: Relations and the Way Ahead', which took place on 3 December in the European Parliament.   The event focused on the institutional relations between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia and was an occasion to take stock of the current level of EU-Armenia cooperation. It highlighted possible future developments brought about by the negotiations of a new legal framework which... Read more

‘European Union & Armenia: Relations and the Way Ahead’ Conference Held in European Parliament

A conference on the institutional relations between the European Union and Armenia took place in the European Parliament yesterday. The event was jointly organized by MEP Michèle Rivasi and European Friends of Armenia. It featured a very diverse selection of keynote speakers, including the main officials that will be involved in the upcoming EU-Armenia negotiations that will start next week.   The event was introduced by Michèle Rivasi, Vice-Chair of the Greens/ European Free... Read more

European Friends of Armenia Participates in hearing about Nagorno-Karabakh in Dutch Parliament

European Friends of Armenia was part of a delegation which participated in a Dutch parliament hearing about Nagorno-Karabakh and the recent increase of violence along the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. The hearing was organized by the Dutch parliamentarian Pieter Omtzigt and was attended by Dutch politicians. Mr Omtzigt invited a FAON delegation (Federation of Armenian Organisations in The Netherlands) to this hearing following a letter FAON had sent concerning recent violent escalations. The... Read more

Parliament of Aragon Adopts Resolution on Armenian Genocide

As a result of several study visits organised by EuFoA to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh with different legislators, the Parliament of Aragon has adopted a declaration recognising and condemning the Armenian Genocide. The text, which was tabled by MP Gregorio Briz Sánchez, pays homage to the over 1.5 million Armenian victims killed by the Ottoman Empire and asks all Turkish Institutions, including the government, to acknowledge this historical fact. Given that 2015 marks the centenary of the... Read more

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December 2015