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May 2015 - EuFoA

Month: May 2015

Riga Summit strengthens EU-Armenia relations

During the Eastern Partnership (EaP) Summit in Riga on 22 May, the EU and the EaP countries have issued a joint declaration that reviewed the EaP achievements so far and mapped out its priorities and goals ahead of the next summit in 2017. Several points of the declaration concern Armenia and its future relations with Europe. European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) welcomes this declaration. "It seems that the EU and Armenia are working together to reach a common understanding on issues of... Read more

Lessons learned so far in Armenia’s search for energy efficient housing

In June 2012 the Armenian National Social Housing Foundation (ASBA) signed up to facilitate the sustained development of energy efficient buildings. Just three years on and the energy efficient obligations are already under way in a number of new housing schemes, particularly in poor villages where housing is much needed. There are also many projects which have been implemented in Dilijan, and the success of the new energy efficient policy in building construction can be gathered from... Read more

Nagorno-Karabakh Parliamentary Elections – Preliminary Report by the Artsakh Group in the European Parliament Election Observation Delegation

Interim conclusions 04 May, 2015 Introduction Following an invitation sent by Mr. Ashot Ghulyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Artsakh Group in the European Parliament decided to send a delegation to observe the legislative elections in Nagorno-Karabakh scheduled for 03 May, 2015. Despite the non-recognised status of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh and therefore, the absence of an official observation mission of the European Parliament or the... Read more

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May 2015