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November 2010 - EuFoA

Month: November 2010

Presentation of the Armenia and the Nagorno Karabakh polling results in Brussels

On Monday 29 November 2010, EuFoA Secretary General Michael Kambeck and Andrew Cooper, CEO of the UK based opinion polling company Populus, presented the results of the Comparative Opinion Polls held in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh on Socio-Political Issues and Foreign Relations. Following the briefing, which was held at EuFoA's Brussels office, invitees had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the polling results. The polls were the first ever internationally conducted comparative... Read more

The Armenian crusade of father Grigor

Last week a group of Italian journalists, made a trip to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. On that occasion they had the chance to meet several personalities belonging to the political and civil society fields.     On 18 November the Italian newspaper Il Riformista published an article, written by Anna Mazzone. It deals with the current situation of the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh and its implications for Armenia.   (...) We are extremely concerned about the... Read more

Joint EuFoA-AGBU Roundtable Briefing with the Armenian Ombudsman

On 16 November 2010, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU, www.agbu.org) held a joint policy briefing at EuFoA's Brussels office with Mr Armen Harutyunyan, Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia and Ms Jacqueline Hale (Open Society Institute) as discussant. The NGOs and think tanks present commended the Ombudsman's contribution to the democratisation process in Armenia and his frank and credible analysis. The effective establishment and... Read more

NGOs commend Armenian Ombudsman

On 16 November, European Friends of Armenia and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU, www.agbu.org) held a joint policy briefing at EuFoA's Brussels office with Mr Armen Harutyunyan, Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia and Ms Jacqueline Hale (Open Society Institute) as discussant. The NGOs present commended the Ombudsman's contribution to the democratisation process in Armenia and his frank and credible analysis. "Like many other post-Soviet countries, Armenia has not... Read more

European Commission releases a report about Turkey’s status in the accession negotiations

On Tuesday 9 November 2010, the European Commission issued a report on progress made by Turkey in preparing for EU membership. The document contained some points  regarding the relations between Turkey and its neighbour Armenia. These references mainly concerned the relationship in the sphere of human rights and foreign policy.   In accordance with the report, the human rights situation in Turkey improved in general. The freedom of assembly was granted and 24 April was marked... Read more

Round-table with the Armenian Prime Minister

On Friday 12 November 2010, Prime Minister of Armenia, Mr Tigran Sargasyan, visited EuFoA's Brussels office. During the course of this visit, the Prime Minister, as well as the Armenian Ambassador to the EU and Belgium Mr Avet Adonts and the Armenian Minister of Economy, Mr Nerses Yerityan, participated in a roundtable discussion. Representatives from think tanks, diplomatic circles, NGOs and Media also participated in the event. The discussion was varied, covering a number of topics concerning... Read more

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November 2010