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October 2014 - EuFoA

Month: October 2014

Renewal of the European Commission: renewal of the EU foreign relations?

The new members of the European Commission, confirmed by the European Parliament, will take office from 1st November. They will work under the direction of Mr Jean-Claude Juncker, nominated, for the first time, according to the results of the European parliament elections.   Ms Federica Mogherini, former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Italy, has been appointed High-Representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy and Vice-President of the European Commission... Read more

Roundtable Briefing with Mr Artak Zakaryan MP

On 16 October, EuFoA hosted a roundtable briefing with Mr Artak Zakaryan MP, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Armenian Parliament, and head of the Armenian delegation to the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly. Read more

Roundtable Briefing with Mr Artak Zakaryan MP

On 16 October, EuFoA hosted a roundtable briefing with Mr Artak Zakaryan MP, Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Armenian Parliament, and head of the Armenian delegation to the EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly. Read more

First Nagorno-Karabakh Group announced in the European Parliament

On 15 October 2014, the European Parliament Nagorno-Karabakh Group was presented with the assistance of European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA), aiming to support civil society and democratic governance, as well as European values within Nagorno-Karabakh. Following the French and Lithuanian parliaments that have already established similar groups, members of the European Parliament are creating the first international group, spanning over national borders. Several Members of the European... Read more

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October 2014