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June 2014 - EuFoA

Month: June 2014

Commentary: Cooperation between European Free Alliance and Democratic Party of Artsakh going rather well

Director of the European Friends of Armenia Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa has expressed a positive opinion on the cooperation prospects between the European Free Alliance and the Nagorno-Karabakh-based Democratic Party of Artsakh.   Source: http://www.tert.am/en/news/2014/06/24/ochoa1   Speaking to Tert.am, he shared his positive outlook on the future joint efforts between the two parties, highlighting also the importance of the Nevarre parliament's recent declaration condemning the... Read more

Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU and Eastern Partnership states

On July 22 in Brussels Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian took part in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of the EU and Eastern Partnership states, that was also attended by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle. Delivering a speech at the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandian mentioned that Armenia desires to develop its cooperation with EU, based on the results and progress achieved over the last years. Read more

Parliament of Spanish autonomous community of Navarre recognises Armenian Genocide

As a result of several study visits organised by EuFoA to Armenia and NK with different parliamentarians, the Parliament of Navarre has adopted yesterday (23 June 2014) a declaration recognising the Armenian Genocide. The declaration, adopted by the unicameral Parliament on 23 June 2014, reads that "in accordance with the resolution of the European Parliament of June 1987, reaffirmed by subsequent resolutions (February 28, 2002 and April 1, 2004), the events suffered by the Armenian people... Read more

European Parliament Vice President Jacek Protasiewicz visited Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh in June 2014

With his trip to Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, the European Parliament Vice President Jacek Protasiewicz is following the ENP Progress Report's recommendations (Armenia, 2013) and European Parliament resolutions asking Armenia and Azerbaijan to ensure unimpeded access for representatives of the EU to Nagorno-Karabakh in support of conflict transformation activities in full complementarity with the efforts of the Minsk Group. EuFoA organised this trip at short notice and is proud to have... Read more

“Competence and experience” in the South Caucasus; Interview of former Ambassador of Germany to Armenia, Mr Hans-Jochen Schmidt

Here is a short interview given by Hans-Jochen Schmidt, member of EuFoA's Europe Armenia Advisory Council (EAAC) and former Ambassador of Germany to Armenia. Mr Schmidt comments on the appointment of Ambassador Salbert as the new EUSR for the South Caucasus. Ambassador Herbert Salber has been nominated following a proposal by Catherine Ashton and after the EU Member States have given him their political endorsement. Please click here to learn more about Ambassador Herber Salber's previous... Read more

Ambassador Herbert Salber appointed as next EU Special Representative for South Caucasus and crisis in Georgia

Ambassador Herbert Salber has been appointed as the EU Special Representative for South Caucasus and crisis in  Georgia following a proposal made by Catherine Ashton, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and the political endorsement to his nomination by the EU Member States. Following a senior level career in the German Foreign Service, which included postings in Belgrade, Vienna and Moscow, Ambassador Salber has served amongst others as Head of the OSCE Centre in... Read more

Committee of the Regions Event: Local and Regional Democracy in Armenia

On 5 June 2014, the Committee of the Regions organised a "Hearing on Local and Regional Democracy in Armenia", discussing the perspectives of implementing local democracy in Armenia, as well as the role the Council of Europe and the EU can play to support the development of regions in Armenia. EuFoA's Director Mr Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa was one of the main speakers, addressing the interaction between citizen and municipalities, among others.   The event was opened by Mr Olgierd... Read more

“The key is to be well networked”

This week Dr Sargis Ghazaryan, EuFoA Senior Research Fellow, gave an exclusive interview to an Armenian daily newspaper, CAPITAL Daily, regarding the European Parliament Resolution on the South Caucasus as well as on the prospects of Armenian policy challenges.   Azerbaijan's resources are not well spent at all (source: http://www.tert.am/en/news/2010/06/01/ghazaryan/)     -It is not a secret that Azerbaijan spends millions of dollars on making anti-Armenian resolutions... Read more

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June 2014