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April 2012 - EuFoA

Month: April 2012

Poll: Campaign brings Republican Party to pole position and consolidates Heritage Party

Today, European Friends of Armenia publishes the results of its poll titled Last Assessment of Pre-Electoral Armenia. This TNS opinion supervised poll with an error margin of ±2,4% was subject to extensive quality controls and conducted by IPSC and EuFoA. The fieldwork with 1600 face-to-face interviews in all regions (marzes) of Armenia took place between 17 and 22 April 2012. While the campaign period is on-going and can still bring changes, the poll reveals some clear movements as we... Read more

EP resolution sends strong support message for Armenia and Minsk Group

On 18 April 2012, the European Parliament (EP) adopted two resolutions in the context of the negotiations for the new Association Agreements with Armenia and with Azerbaijan. European Friends of Armenia hails that the EP prevailed its core values for the Eastern Partnership, especially on a continued democratisation and a balanced approach to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The report is particularly supportive for Armenia but also reminds of the remaining homework. Below we provide a summary of... Read more

Understanding Armenia’s pre-electoral party landscape: EuFoA publishes Shortpaper

Today, European Friends of Armenia publishes a guide on the Armenian political parties, providing on roughly 1.5 pages per party the key facts about their alliances, poll and election data, history, leadership, political ideologies, foreign relations and European aspirations.   "This guide will serve as a useful tool to anyone interested in better understanding of the party system on the eve of the elections of 6 May", comments EuFoA's Secretary General Dr Michael Kambeck. "The whole... Read more

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April 2012