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December 2011 - EuFoA

Month: December 2011

Why don’t the Armenian “EPP parties” do their homework?

On 17 December 2011 Mediamax news agency (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published his commentary on the co-operation between 4 Armenian political parties and the European People's Party (EPP).   Click here to read the column in Armenian Click here to read the column in Russian     Why don't the Armenian "EPP parties" do their homework? (Source: http://www.mediamax.am/en/column/12182/)   Last week in... Read more

Why don’t the Armenian “EPP parties” do their homework?

On 17 December 2011 Mediamax news agency (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published his commentary on the co-operation between 4 Armenian political parties and the European People's Party (EPP).   Click here to read the column in Armenian Click here to read the column in Russian     Why don't the Armenian "EPP parties" do their homework? (Source: http://www.mediamax.am/en/column/12182/)   Last week in... Read more

Armenia hosts Junior Eurovision 2011 song contest

On 3 December 2011 Armenia hosted the Junior Eurovision 2011 song contest at the Karen Demirchyan Sport and Concert Complex in Yerevan. Participants from thirteen European countries took part in the contest. Below we provide you with an article by Panarmenian.net on the event.   Junior Eurovision 2011: Armenia can host large-scale international... Read more

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December 2011