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June 2011 - EuFoA

Month: June 2011

FPC-EPC joint event “Spotlight on Armenia”

On Thursday, 23 June 2011, EuFoA's Senior Counsellor Paruyr Hovhannisyan contributed in quality of a speaker to the Foreign Policy Centre (FPC) event ‘'Spotlight on Armenia'' taken place in Brussels. The conference, organised in partnership with the European Policy Centre (EPC), was the last of a series of events held in The Hague, Washington D.C. and London following the FPC homonymous publication. ‘'Spotlight on Armenia'' aimed both at outlining the main problems the country is being... Read more

Kazan postpones Karabakh solution as Azerbaijan again threatens war

Hopes had been flying high ahead of the Kazan summit of 25 June, with the Minsk Group Co-Chairs repeatedly stating that the document for a solution of the Karabakh conflict now balances postulates of all parties to the conflict. However, despite the intensive pressure of the Co-Chairs, the Kazan summit did not offer the expected breakthrough. "It was visible in Kazan and even before that Azerbaijan does not agree to the package of the Basic Principles proposed by the OSCE Minsk Group.... Read more

EP hearing clarifies hopes and fears for Kazan summit on Karabakh

During the European Parliament (EP) hearing of 15 June 2011 on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the OSCE Minsk-Group Co-Chairs Robert Bradke (USA) and Bernard Fassier (France) expressed hope for the upcoming Kazan trilateral summit, saying that an agreement on the Basic Principles for settling the conflict is within reach. "I asked whether the Co-Chairs have received any new signal from Azerbaijan that they might now really accept all of the Madrid Principles, including a legally binding vote on... Read more

Armenia’s Country Report: Implementation of the ENP in 2010

On 25 May 2011, the European Commission and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published the ‘Country Report' for Armenia, about progress in the Implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy for the year 2010. The document reports on Armenia's performance in the different key sectors which are highlighted in the ENP Action Plan, and does not constitute a review of the country's political and economic situation, as it is clearly... Read more

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June 2011