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New report details targeting of civilian settlements by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh - EuFoA

New report details targeting of civilian settlements by Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh

Nagorno-Karabakh’s Human Rights Ombudsman has published a second report detailing attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The report details how villages, towns and the capital Stepanakert have been attacked, causing numerous casualties and injuries among civilians. Detailing the use of multiple rocket launching systems and cluster bombs between the 27th September and 9th October, the report adds further information to the reports by Amnesty International concerning the use of cluster bombs.

The report is based on fact-finding missions and first-hand interviews, as well as the analysis of public statements, social media posts, and media reports.

The report details a number of individual cases but concludes that over 120 civilian settlements have been attacked in total. Documenting incidents between the 27th September and the 9th October, the report concludes that 20 civilians have been killed, as well as 101 injured.

The issue of attacks on journalists is also covered as part of the report, noting that 7 journalists have been injured during the reporting period. One individual aiding reporters was also killed during this time.

A copy of the full report can be found HERE.


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