Interview: It’s time to use international sanctions against Azerbaijan
Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa: It’s time to use international sanctions against Azerbaijan
“I am hopeful that the reaction of the international community, the European Union and the good sense of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenian authorities will prevent a new war erupting in Europe. This is still one more proof of the lack of commitment of the Azerbaijani administration to a peaceful settlement, and explains also why they block every initiative of the OSCE-Minsk Group co-chairs, such as the deployment of the international cease-fire violation mechanism in the line of contact proposed since 2012. The European Parliament already recommended a set of sanctions to the Azerbaijani administration in its latest resolution on this country, I think it is high time to consider implementing them. Finally, I would also like to extend our sincere condolences to the families of the victims of this atrocious attack”, Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa said.
Along the entire length of the contact line of Nagorno Karabakh- Azerbaijan opposing forces, on April 1 and throughout the morning of April 2, the adversary undertook large-scale offensive military actions, during which the adversary shelled with missile-artillery units not only Armenian defense positions, but also civilian settlements.
According to the data of the Defense Army, the Azerbaijani armed forces fired MM-21 (Grad) multiple rocket launcher on April 2, at 08: 30 in the direction of Martuni (NKR), killing 12 year old Vaghinak Grigoryan and wounding two other children.
The Defense Army conducts successful defensive battles throughout all directions of the contact line, causing significant losses to the adversary’s manpower and equipment. According to the Defense Army’s data, Armenian forces downed 2 enemy helicopters, destroyed 3 tanks and 2 UAVs. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia is in constant contact with international organizations and diplomatic/military representatives of foreign countries for necessary consultations and exchange of information regarding the developments on the contact line of Nagorno KarabakhAzerbaijani opposing forces.
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