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Inaugural Meeting of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly took place in Brussels - EuFoA

Inaugural Meeting of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly took place in Brussels

The Euronest Parliamentary Assembly (Euronest) has been formally constituted on 3 May 2011 in Brussels. After intensive discussions on the modalities of participation of Belarus and on the Rules of Procedure, the Assembly held its inaugural meeting and should be ready to start working as of Autumn 2011. Euronest is now considered as the forum for parliamentary debate for all questions relating to the Eastern Partnership.

Euronest is the Parliamentary component of the Eastern Partnership, which brings together the European Parliament and Parliaments of the Eastern countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, as part of the EU Neighbourhood Policy. Euronest was initiated in May 2009 by Sweden and Poland in order to give a representative body to the policy of the Eastern Partnership. It is composed of two bodies; the European Parliament, gathering 60 MEPs, and the delegations of the Eastern European Partner Countries, gathering 10 MPs from each of the five eastern partner countries. Belarus has been removed from the activities of the Euronest PA due to the contested political election in 2010, judged as flawed by the OSCE.


The Parliamentary Assembly adopted and signed its constitutive act, set up two working groups (on Belarus and the Rules of Procedure) and formed four committees (one on Political Affairs, Human Rights and Democracy; one on Economic Affairs, legal approximation and convergence with EU policies, one on Energy Security and one on Culture, Education and Civil Society).


Its role is to contribute to the strengthening, development and visibility of the Eastern Partnership, as the institution responsible for parliamentary consultation, supervision and monitoring of the Partnership.


Picture: Meeting of the Euronest PA


Please click here to download the Constituent Act of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.

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