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Briefing on the new EU-Armenia Framework Agreement Negotiations - EuFoA

Briefing on the new EU-Armenia Framework Agreement Negotiations

On 14 December, the European Friend of Armenia organises a briefing to assess the current state of the play in the EU-Armenia framework agreement negotiations, one year and seven rounds into the process.


The negotiations were officially launched on 7 December 2015 by the EU High Representative and the Armenian Foreign Minister and the seventh round is taking place on 13 and 14 of December in Brussels, making this event a perfect opportunity to learn about the latest developments directly from the main actors.


Mr Garegin Melkonyan, First Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Economic Development and Investments of the Republic of Armenia, and Mr Dirk Schuebel, Head of Division EURCA-EAST2 at the European External Action Service, will present the current state of negotiations and discuss with the audience in a debate moderated by Dr Hrant Kostanyan, Researcher at CEPS’ “Europe in the World” unit.


At the end of the discussion, participants will be invited to join an Armenian Wine Tasting event, which will be hosted in the same Hotel by the Mission of the Republic of Armenia to the EU.


The event will take place at the Thon Hotel Bristol Stephanie  (Avenue Louise 93, Brussels) on Wednesday 14 December 2016 from 17:30 to 19:00.


Please contact us if you are interested in attending, by Monday 12 December at noon at events@eufoa.org

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