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April 2016 - EuFoA

Month: April 2016

New parliamentary enquiry on Nagorno-Karabakh’s aggression, sanctions demanded

Following the debate in the European Parliament, two members of Parliament (MEPs) from two different political groups - Salvatore Pogliese and Remo Sernagiotto - that could not participate in Tuesday's debate on Nagorno-Karabakh, have tabled a written question to Federica Mogherini, EU High-Representative/Vice-President. In the document, they underline that the Azerbaijani attacks "are accompanied by gross violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law,... Read more

Upcoming EU Parliamentary debate, political groups call for an effective peace in Karabakh

Ahead of the debate on Nagorno-Karabakh in the European Parliament (EP) this evening, several European politicians have already expressed their views on the worrisome situation in the region, calling for different measures of support to Karabakh. One of them is the Vice-President of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament, MEP Josep-Maria Terricabras. He has already taken the floor during the European Parliament plenary opening yesterday, demanding the inclusion of Nagorno Karabakh in... Read more

More than 520 NGOs of Nagorno Karabakh and Armenia present a joint appeal to the European Parliament

On 11 April 2016 civil society representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia made a joint appeal to the European Parliament, in which they expressed their position on the large-scale military actions unleashed by Azerbaijan against Karabakh and Armenia. The joint appeal was signed by more than 520 representatives of non-governmental organizations, mass-media who worked on the Line of Contact during the days of military actions, as well as organizations representing the interests of national... Read more

Largest European party condemns violent clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh

Yesterday (4 April), the European People's Party (EPP) has adopted an emergency resolution regarding the outbreak of violence in Nagorno-Karabakh, expressing its "deep concern by recent disturbing news from the Line of Contact between Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan". European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) welcomes this document. "First of all, it is a very important signal that the largest European party took such a swift and clear stance on the conflict, and we hope that other pan-European... Read more

Interview: It’s time to use international sanctions against Azerbaijan

In an interview with the state news agency Armenpress on the recent clashes in Nagorno Karabakh, Mr. Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa, EuFoA Director, stressed that the lack of respect of international law and the basic principle of non-use of force has resulted in the gravest military escalation since the cease-fire was signed. (source: http://armenpress.am/eng/news/841896/eduardo-lorenzo-ochoa-it's-time-to-use-international-sanctions-against-azerbaijan.html)   Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa: It's... Read more

Interview: It’s time to use international sanctions against Azerbaijan

In an interview with the state news agency Armenpress on the recent clashes in Nagorno Karabakh, Mr. Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa, EuFoA Director, stressed that the lack of respect of international law and the basic principle of non-use of force has resulted in the gravest military escalation since the cease-fire was signed.     (source: http://armenpress.am/eng/news/841896/eduardo-lorenzo-ochoa-it's-time-to-use-international-sanctions-against-azerbaijan.html)   Eduardo... Read more

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April 2016