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September 2015 - EuFoA

Month: September 2015

MEP Charles Tannock asks Federica Mogherini about ceasefire violations

Dr Charles Tannock, ECR group coordinator in the Foreign Affairs committee of the European Parliament, has tabled a priority question to the High Representative and Vice-president of the European Commission about the recent military escalation in the South Caucasus.  The violence has resulted in the death of three Armenian civilians and has since extended to the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact, killing soldiers from both sides. Dr Tannock, who is a member of the European Friends of... Read more

MEP Frank Engel tables urgent official enquiry over Azerbaijani attacks

Frank Engel has tabled an urgent official enquiry to the European Union foreign policy chief Frederica Morgherini following attacks by the Azerbaijani army against Armenian civilians. The aggressions on villages in Armenia, which resulted in the death of three women, have already been condemned by several members of the European Parliament last Friday. In his question, Mr Engel (MEP - EPP Group) underlines the fact that this is the second attack on civilian population perpetrated by... Read more

European politicians shocked over Azerbaijan’s shooting, demand action from EU

For the second time in September, the Azerbaijani army has shelled and shot with different calibre weapons the Republic of Armenia in the Tavush region, resulting in 3 civilian deaths and 2 seriously wounded. Many European politicians expressed their shock over Azerbaijan's brazen actions. Among members of European Friends of Armenia Advisory Council, French MEP Michèle Rivasi stated "I am scandalized by this violence. We know of the historical enmity which exists between Azerbaijan and... Read more

Director of European Friends of Armenia Talks to Future Diplomats in the European Parliament

Director of European Friends of Armenia, Eduardo Lorenzo Ochoa, , delivered a speech to the students of the Diplomatic School of Armenia during their visit to the European Parliament.  The visit was part of their study tour which also includes meetings in the College of Europe, the Council of Europe and the European Commission.   Mr Lorenzo Ochoa exchanged with the students about his work and what European Friends of Armenia does to build bridges between Armenia and Europe.... Read more

President of European Free Alliance visits Nagorno-Karabakh

Two representatives of a pan-European political party travelled to Nagorno-Karabakh following an invitation from the chairman of its national assembly, Ashot Gulyan. The European Free Alliance (EFA) was represented by its president, François Alfonsi and Jordi Sebastia, MEP. The visit was facilitated by the European Friends of Armenia, as part of its ongoing effort to encourage dialogue and cooperation between European and Karabakhi civil society.   The representatives of the... Read more

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September 2015