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July 2015 - EuFoA

Month: July 2015

Հայաստանում Մայդան դժվար է պատկերացնել. Էդուարդո Լորենցո Օչոա

Մեր կազմակերպության ղեկավար Էդուարդո Լորենցո Օչոան «Առաջին լրատվական»-ի զրուցակիցն է: Իր հարցազրույցի շրջանակում պարոն Օչոան անդրադառնում է Հայաստան-ԵՄ համագործակցությանը, վերջերս Երևանում տեղի ունեցած #ElectricYerevan զանգվածային ակցիաներին, տարածաշրջանային անվտանգության հարցերին, և այլն: Read more

EuFoA event on Nagorno-Karabakh democratic development and parliamentary elections

On 14 July, EuFoA hosted a roundtable briefing on the Democratic development of NK and the legislative elections observation mission by the NK Group in the EP. The event's keynote speaker was Mr Frank Engel MEP, head of this EOM.   After a short introduction by EuFoA Director Mr Lorenzo Ochoa, Mr Engel took the floor to present the full report of the parliamentary elections of 3 May 2015 (it is available for download here). A lively debate among the participants followed his... Read more

Nagorno-Karabakh Parliamentary Elections – Final Report by the Artsakh Group in the European Parliament Election Observation Delegation

Following an invitation by Mr Ashot Ghulyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Nagorno-Karabakh Group in the European Parliament decided to send a delegation to observe the legislative elections in Nagorno-Karabakh scheduled for 3 May 2015. The delegation was headed by Mr Frank Engel MEP, President of the Nagorno-Karabakh Group in the European Parliament, and was composed of several MEPs and supporting staff. It represented different EU countries and... Read more

EP report calls for greater engagement with Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh

On 9 July, the European Parliament (EP) adopted a report on the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The report, assessing the EU's approach towards its immediate neighbours, contains several points relevant to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.   Among others, it "calls for the ENP to be developed into a more tailor-made and flexible policy framework that is able to adapt to the diversity that exists among partner countries", while considering that the "EU should invite... Read more

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July 2015