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May 2012 - EuFoA

Month: May 2012

ENP Country Progress Report on Armenia – 2011

The European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published on 15 May 2012 the annual "neighbourhood package" which included among other documents a country report on Armenia (on developments in 2011 and a set of recommendations for the future).     Please click here to see the full report.     Below, please find an article of a1plus regarding the report:   EU assesses progress in relations... Read more

Armenia’s Parliamentary Elections commented by international community

On Sunday 6 May 2012, the parliamentary elections took place in Armenia. The National Assembly is composed of 131 seats. 90 members are elected in the proportional system and 41 members are directly elected with a simple majority in their constituency. The international observers of the elections came mainly from four institutions: the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly and the... Read more

Statement of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council on Armenia’s Parliamentary Elections on 6 May 2012

  A Choice for Armenia   The Europe-Armenia Advisory Council (EAAC), together with the entire European Union and much of the international community, look forward to the upcoming parliamentary elections on 6 May 2012. It will be the responsibility mainly of the Armenian government, but also of the opposition, media and civil society actors, to ensure that these elections will mark a step into a promising future for the country and its people. These elections are more than... Read more

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May 2012