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July 2009 - EuFoA

Month: July 2009

EuFoA publishes policy paper “An EU in Change: What effects on relations with Armenia?”

Today, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) published its latest policy paper "An EU in change: What effects on relations with Armenia?" on its website www.eufoa.org.   The paper aims at describing and clarifying the role the EU institutions have in shaping EU-Armenia relations. It analyses the current political and institutional changes in Brussels and provides guidance to decision makers and stakeholders on both sides.   "We argue that the train towards an intensified... Read more

EuFoA publishes policy paper “An EU in Change: What effects on relations with Armenia?”

Today, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) published its latest policy paper "An EU in change: What effects on relations with Armenia?" on its website www.eufoa.org.   The paper aims at describing and clarifying the role the EU institutions have in shaping EU-Armenia relations. It analyses the current political and institutional changes in Brussels and provides guidance to decision makers and stakeholders on both sides.   "We argue that the train towards an intensified... Read more

Troika visit sees upgrade in European-Armenian relations

An EU troika visit organised by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs concluded its tour of the South Caucasus in Armernia on Monday 20 July, after visiting Georgia and Azerbaijan. The troika was composed of Carl Bildt, Swedish Foreign Minister, Karel Kovande, Deputy Director-General and Political Director in the European Commission, John Kjaer, Head of Unit, Peter Semneby, European Union Senior Representative, Paolo Barroso Simoes from the Council Secretariat, as well as Spain's Ambassador... Read more

EU Presidency welcomes discussions on Nagorno-Karabakh

(Source: http://www.se2009.eu/en/meetings_news/2009/7/18/presidency_statement_on_the_nagorno-karabakh_conflict) The President of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, and his Azeri counterpart, Ilham Aliyev, met in Moscow on the 17 and 18 July to continue negotiations over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh. Russian president Dmitry Medvedev hosted the talks, which aimed at finding a solution for the dispute which has been ongoing since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The discussions are set to... Read more

ANP reports on EuFoA’s housewarming reception

Ararat News and Publishing reports on the recent opening of EuFoA's permanent premises in Brussels. The event, held on the 7 July, was attended by over 50 guests. The purpose of the reception was to formally launch the organisation and introduce its goals, and to welcome cooperation with interested parties. Below please find the article from the Ararat News and Publishing website.   Armenian EU-Friends intensify contacts with EU (source:... Read more

Housewarming Reception

On 7 July 2009 EuFoA held a housewarming reception at its new permanent premises, which was attended by over 50 guests. The purpose of the reception was to formally launch the organisation and introduce its goals, and to welcome cooperation with interested parties.   Housewarming... Read more

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July 2009