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The second meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council - EuFoA

The second meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council

The second meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council (EEAC) took place in Yerevan, Armenia between 15 and 19 February 2013, a timeframe chosen specifically in view of the presidential elections held in Armenia on 18 February.

On 15 February, the EAAC published the “Call for free and fair presidential elections in Armenia” in a press conference. The Council was represented by Mr Frank Engel MEP, Mr François Rochebloine MP and H.E. Mr Hans-Jochen Schmidt, former German ambassador to Armenia. On this occasion a strong emphasis was given to the crucial importance of a proper conduct of the presidential elections for Armenia’s European path. Please click here to read the Call.

The second General Assembly of the EAAC followed on 16 February. Participants discussed the EU-Armenia relations, especially in the context of the Association Agreement and DCFTA negotiations and the upcoming Eastern Partnership (EaP) summit in Vilnius. They also assessed present and past activities of EuFoA. The Assembly was briefed by two external speakers, Ambassador Traian Hristea, Head of the EU Delegation in Armenia, and Zohrab Mnatsakanyan, Armenian Deputy Foreign Minister and Chief Negotiator with EU for the Association Agreement negotiations.

The program of the EAAC’s visit included meetings with key presidential candidates or their representatives. Moreover, members of the Council met with NGOs, think tanks and civil society representatives (like Reporters without Borders, Yerevan Press Club, Regional Studies Center) to discuss Armenia’s internal political developments as well as geopolitical questions. The visit also included a cultural programme with a short trip to the Tsakhkadzor Region and a visit to the Kecharis Monastery.

On Election Day, Council members (Hans-Jochen Schmidt and MP John Whittingdale) had an opportunity to monitor the electoral process in several polling stations outside of Yerevan. Several EAAC members were also official observers of the Council of Europe (MP François Rochebloine and MP Réné Rouquet) and the OSCE PA missions (MP Riccardo Migliori, OSCE PA President).

In the framework of the trip, members of the Council visited the Armenian Genocide memorial and museum, where Riccardo Migliori commemorated the victims by planting a tree, following a tradition practiced by many international high-ranking officials.


Images from the Second Meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council in Yerevan, Armenia


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