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Press conference on TNS polls commissioned by EuFoA ahead of the 2013 Presidential elections in Armenia - EuFoA

Press conference on TNS polls commissioned by EuFoA ahead of the 2013 Presidential elections in Armenia

On 9 February 2013 TNS opionion presented the second of the two opinion polls commissioned by EuFoA ahead of the Presidential Elections 2013. The polls were conducted by TNS opinion, the world leader in opinion research and custom/ad hoc research together with their Armenian partner IPSC.


The results of the polls were publicly presented during press conferences on 25 January (EuFoA Press Release: Armenians take elections seriously, despite clear lead of incumbent) and 9 February (EuFoA Press Release: Voters show more trust in elections as race enters final phase – Hovhannisyan strongly gains while Sargsyan still looks most certain to win in 1st round). Both events were widely covered by Armenian press (see below for links).


The polls included face-to-face interviews conducted in all 10 regions and 12 communities of Yerevan and offered insight into voters’ motivations and made a fairly accurate prediction of the outcome of the

The polls have been commissioned for several reasons particularly aiming to:

  • Raise public awareness about the elections, issues important to the people, and public attitudes towards politics, political parties and their leaders.
  • Compare the findings of the poll on socioeconomic and political issues with those of the pre-electoral polls of March and April 2012.
  • Contribute to a more meaningful debate, based on political content more than party political propaganda and myths.
  • Increase public transparency and trust in a realistic picture of political life in Armenia.
  • Increase pressure for a good technical conduct of the elections by providing comparative data for the assessments of international observers.



Please find below the full opinion poll reports in English:


A Snapshot ahead of Armenia’s Presidential Elections (25 January 2013)

Armenia on the Eve of Presidential Elections (9 February 2013)



Both polls were widely covered by Armenian media, please find a selection of links below:


25 January 2013, Civilnet (in Armenian): Who will become the President. poll

9 February 2013, ArmNews TV (in Armenian): The results of the poll commissioned by EuFoA NGO


25 January 2013, ArmeniaNow.com: A poll shows Sargsyan in wide margin over Hovannisian

25 January 2013, ArmRadio: EuFoA: Armenians take elections seriously, despite clear lead of incumbent

9 February 2013, Hetq.am: Hovhannisyan Strongly Gains While Sargsyan Still Looks Most Certain to Win in 1st Round

9 February 2013, PanARMENIAN.Net: TNS poll: Hovannisian gains support, Sargsyan certain to win 1st round


TNS poll presentations – Yerevan 2013


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