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ANP reports on EuFoA’s housewarming reception - EuFoA

ANP reports on EuFoA’s housewarming reception

Ararat News and Publishing reports on the recent opening of EuFoA’s permanent premises in Brussels. The event, held on the 7 July, was attended by over 50 guests. The purpose of the reception was to formally launch the organisation and introduce its goals, and to welcome cooperation with interested parties.
Below please find the article from the Ararat News and Publishing website.


Armenian EU-Friends intensify contacts with EU

(source: http://www.araratnews.eu/nuce.php?aid=379)

Ararat News -Publishing (ANP) – Fiona Lorin / R.Alasor, Brussels – 8 / 7 / 2009 – A newly created organisation, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA), opened its permanent office in the heart of the EU quarter in Brussels. The NGO founded by European and Armenian supporters of the constructive dialogue between Armenia and EU will work for the promotion of common interests and development of future projects between Yerevan and Brussels. Ten members advisory council composed by Members of the European parliament Elmar Brok, Alexandra Dobolyi, Marie Anne Isler Beguin, Charles Tannock and many other European politicians from European countries guiding the organisation in the promotion of Europe-Armenia cooperation. EuFoA is sponsored by the International Centre for Human Development in Armenia and Armenian businessmen.


Secretary General of EuFoA, Dr. Michael Kambeck welcomed more then 50 guests from different EU institutions and foreign diplomats to launch the new permanent office. Mr. Kambeck underlined the importance of the enhanced cooperation between Yerevan and Brussels and invited everyone who wants peaceful Caucasus to contribute to the activities of EuFoA. Mr. Kambeck said that Armenia has more political dialogue with USA, but more economical trade relations with Europe. Therefore, it is necessary to build stronger political bridge between Armenia and EU.


Professor Bernard Coulie, rector of the Catholic University in Louvain and member of the advisory council of EuFoA, pointed out the cultural richness of Armenia which is part of Europe, but at the same time is a window opened to the eastern world. Armenia is important for EU not only as political partner, but as land belonging culturally and historically to the European civilization, said professor Coulie.


Representatives of other Armenian organisations also warmly welcomed the launching of the office of EuFoA. Nicolas Tavitian, EU representative for the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU, which is the biggest Armenian humanitarian organisation), said: “The birth of EU Friends of Armenia is excellent news. Europe is also about affinities, about cultural connection, about friendship. Armenia has always been a part of the European story and it has a lot to offer the rest of Europe. EuFoA will help illustrate those civilisations links and will work to contribute to this small country’s presence at the heart of the EU.”


Also Hilda Tchoboian and Laurent Leylekyan from the European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy (EAFJD) declared that the creation of EuFoA testify of the EU interest for Armenia and of the commitment of the Armenian people for the EU integration. There is substantial number of Armenian NGOs dedicated to reinforcing political ties between Yerevan and Brussels and we are very happy of this evolution, added the representatives of EAFJD.


Armenian relations with EU are governed by the EU-Armenian Partnership and Cooperation Agreement and developed into the European Neighbourhood policy and the Eastern Partnership program.

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