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Readmission agreement between EU and Armenia signed in Brussels - EuFoA

Readmission agreement between EU and Armenia signed in Brussels

On 19 April 2013, the Readmission Agreement between Armenia and the European Union, which should facilitate migration control and administrative measures for visa requests, was signed in Brussels.

Signing of the document is part

of the visa liberalisation process and the ongoing Association Agreement negotiations between the EU and Armenia. One agreement – on visa facilitation – has already been signed on 17 December 2012. The Agreement now needs to be ratified by the European Parliament.

Below we provide you with two media articles about the readmission agreement:

Armenia and EU sign readmission agreement

YEREVAN, April 19. /ARKA/. The readmission agreement between Armenia and the European Union was signed on Friday in Brussels by Armenia’s acting foreign minister Edward Nalbandian, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström and Rory Montgomery, the ambassador of Ireland that holds the EU Presidency, the press service of the Armenian foreign ministry said.

“Armenia has signed readmission agreements with more than a dozen EU-member countries. With this agreement, we are laying the foundation of regulated readmission processes between Armenia and the EU, “Nalbandian said.
According to him, Armenia expects the EU to ratify readmission agreement and another one facilitating the issuance of visas (signed in December 2012), which will allow to start negotiations on the liberalization of visa regime.

Commissioner Füle congratulates Armenia on the signing of the Readmission Agreement

(Source: http://www.armradio.am/en/2013/04/20/commissioner-fule-congratulates-armenia-on-the-signing-of-the-readmission-agreement/)

Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle congratulated the Armenian Foreign Minister on this occasion of signing of the Readmission Agreement and underlined that successful implementation was key to moving towards further enhancement of mobility.


The Commissioner welcomed an improvement in the conduct of the last presidential elections in February as reported by OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission but underlined the need to implement its remaining recommendations, including in view of the forthcoming elections to the Yerevan City Council on 5 May.


On Nagorno-Karabakh, he stressed the need for restraint on both sides and noted the progress in the negotiations on the Association Agreement.


Finally the Commissioner underlined the need for a thorough preparation through an inclusive process by the Armenian side of the donors’ conference, planned for later this year, so that it achieves the best possible results. This donors’ conference is meant to help Armenia implement its reform priorities to the benefit of Armenian citizens.



More sources:

Press release of EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström on the EU-Armenia Readmission Agreement: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-349_en.htm

Pictures of the visit of Edward Nalbandian, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Armenia: http://ec.europa.eu/avservices/photo/photoByReportage.cfm?ref=023106&sitelang=en

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