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Il Riformista published a report about Nagorno Karabakh - EuFoA

Il Riformista published a report about Nagorno Karabakh

On the last Sunday’s issue of Il Riformista, Anna Mazzone signed a touching report “Nagorno Karabakh, the land of contention between Armenians and Azeris”, tracing the recent history of Nagorno Karabkh and its people.


The conflict for the independence of this strip of land started in 1988 after the Berlin wall’s fall and caused 35.000 victims and 750.000 refugees. Since the signature of the ceasefire in 1994 the people of Nagorno Karabakh live in a suspended atmosphere conscious that the war could rekindle any time soon.


A lot of expectations are put on the President of the United States who next month will meet the representatives of Turkey and Armenia to discuss the normalisation of the relations between those two countries. If Mr Obama will succeed to restart the negotiation process, then new prospects will be opened for Nagorno Karaback as well.



Below are some extracts from the article translated in English.


“We want to affirm the independence and the auto-determination of our people”, said Ashot Ghoulian, the President of Karabakh Parliament.


“I came here from Baku in 1988 with my father and my mother because we are Armenians and here in Karabakh we could have started a new life” said Saro, a refugee from Azerbaijan and now living in Shushi.

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