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November 2015 - EuFoA

Month: November 2015

MEP Engel Asks European Commission about Exclusion of Karabakhi Students

Frank Engel has asked the European Commission in a written question about the exclusion of Karabakhi students and teachers from education programmes sponsored by the European Union.  Students from the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic cannot take part in these exchanges that are also available for the youth of any neighbour country, including the eastern Partnership area. Mr Engel wants to know exactly on what basis they are being excluded. The European Commission is also a full member of the... Read more

MEP Engel Asks European Commission about Exclusion of Karabakhi Students

Frank Engel has asked the European Commission in a written question about the exclusion of Karabakhi students and teachers from education programmes sponsored by the European Union.  Students from the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic cannot take part in these exchanges that are also available for the youth of any neighbour country, including the eastern Partnership area. Mr Engel wants to know exactly on what basis they are being excluded.   The European Commission is also a full member of... Read more

EU-Armenia relations will benefit from new EU approach to its neighbourhood

High Representative Mogherini and Commissioner Hahn have presented the "Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)", which takes into consideration the result of public consultations carried out with stakeholders in the first half of the year. European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) was one of almost 150 European civil society actors that contributed to the Review's content. Several points of the document are relevant to Armenia and its relations with the EU. The Review underlines that... Read more

European Green Party Adopts Resolution on Armenian Genocide

A resolution on the Armenian Genocide has been adopted by a large majority at the 23rd European Green Party Council in Lyon. The text acknowledges that the Ottoman Empire perpetrated Genocide against the Armenian people. It also calls on Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide and work towards reconciliation with the Armenia and its people. With this initiative the European Green Party calls upon all countries which have not yet done so to publicly recognize the Armenian Genocide. It... Read more

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November 2015