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April 2015 - EuFoA

Month: April 2015

European Movement adopts a resolution on the Armenian Genocide

The European Movement International (EMI), a pan-European organisation promoting European integration, has adopted by unanimity a resolution on the Armenian Genocide during its Federal Assembly taking place in Riga on 24-25 April. With the adoption of this text, the European Movement is "joining its voice to over twenty states, a number of international organisations and institutions including the European Parliament (in 1987 and in 2015), the Council of Europe (in 2001), and EURONEST PA (in... Read more

Nagorno-Karabakh joins European Union political structures

On 17 April, during its annual General Assembly taking place in Bautzen, Germany, the European Free Alliance party (EFA), a pan-European political family, voted in favour of integrating the Democratic Party of Artsakh (DPA) into its ranks.   "The EFA associated membership granted today is important not only because it contributes to a further international exposure of Karabakh. It also shows that Nagorno-Karabakh's political development is in line with EU standards and that its... Read more

European Parliament commemorates the centennial of the Armenian Genocide

On 15 April 2015, the European Parliament has gathered for a mini-plenary session in Brussels. One of the texts passed was a resolution on the centennial of the Armenian Genocide. Making reference to other European texts voted on the issue in the recent years, the resolution "pays tribute, on the eve of the Centenary, to the memory of the one-and-a-half million innocent Armenian victims" and calls on Turkey "to come to terms with its past, to recognise the Armenian genocide and thus pave the... Read more

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April 2015