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July 2013 - EuFoA

Month: July 2013

EU and Armenia complete negotiations on the Association Agreement

In a joint statement released today, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and Enlargment Commissioner Stefan Fule announced completion of the negotiations on the Association Agreement (AA) with Armenia, which now awaits initialing during the Vilnius Summit on 29 November. Yesterday, the EU and Armenia concluded negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA), which is part of the Association Agreement. Below we provide you with a couple of articles on the... Read more

EuFoA event in Yerevan on Karabakh conflict

On 11 July 2013 EuFoA organised a panel discussion in Yerevan about the current situation of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process: "Looking at Europe's next avoidable war: Nagorno-Karabakh". Richard Giragosian (Director of the Regional Studies Center - RSC), German Karabakh researcher Christian Kolter and our Secretary General Michael Kambeck discussed the situation, also referring to the recently published book "Europe's next avoidable war: Nagorno-Karabakh"... Read more

EuFoA event on Karabakh conflict: DCFTA is key to Armenia’s survival in economic and military race with Azerbaijan

Today, 11 July 2013, European Friends of Armenia organises a panel discussion about the current situation of the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process: "Looking at Europe's next avoidable war: Nagorno-Karabakh". The event starts with short presentations by the panellists followed by questions and answers from the audience and an interactive discussion. Speakers are:   • Richard Giragosian, Founding Director of the Regional Studies Center (RSC) • Christian Kolter, Conflict Researcher... Read more

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July 2013