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February 2013 - EuFoA

Month: February 2013

Post-electoral briefing on the presidential elections in Armenia

On 26 February 2013, European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA) held a post-electoral briefing dedicated to the presidential elections in Armenia which took place on 18 February 2013. The briefing focused on first-hand impressions collected around the elections by some of our Europe-Armenia Advisory Council (EAAC) members, as well as on the presentation of the results of two opinion polls commissioned by EuFoA ahead of the elections. During the event, MEP Frank Engel, one of the EAAC members who... Read more

The second meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council

The second meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council (EEAC) took place in Yerevan, Armenia between 15 and 19 February 2013, a timeframe chosen specifically in view of the presidential elections held in Armenia on 18 February. On 15 February, the EAAC published the "Call for free and fair presidential elections in Armenia" in a press conference. The Council was represented by Mr Frank Engel MEP, Mr François Rochebloine MP and H.E. Mr Hans-Jochen Schmidt, former German ambassador to... Read more

Europe-Armenia Advisory Council’s Press Conference ahead of the presidential elections

On 15 February 2013 several members of the European-Armenia Advisory Council (EAAC) held a press conference in Yerevan and presented the Council's Call for free and fair presidential elections in Armenia on 18 February 2013. The event was widely covered by Armenian media (see links below).   During the press conference Mr Frank Engel, Member of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Jochen Schmidt, former Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia, and Mr Francois... Read more

Europe-Armenia Advisory Council’s Press Conference ahead of the presidential elections

On 15 February 2013 several members of the European-Armenia Advisory Council (EAAC) held a press conference in Yerevan and presented the Council's Call for free and fair presidential elections in Armenia on 18 February 2013. The event was widely covered by Armenian media (see links below).   During the press conference Mr Frank Engel, Member of the European Parliament, Mr Hans-Jochen Schmidt, former Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Armenia, and Mr Francois... Read more

Call for free and fair presidential elections by the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council

  Call for free and fair presidential elections by the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council   Yerevan, 15 February 2013   The Europe-Armenia Advisory Council (EAAC) looks forward to Armenia's presidential elections of 18 February 2013. The Council shares the European Union's desire to see further progress in ensuring free, fair and transparent elections in Armenia, conducted in accordance with the democratic standards to which Armenia has signed up. The... Read more

Press conference on TNS polls commissioned by EuFoA ahead of the 2013 Presidential elections in Armenia

On 9 February 2013 TNS opionion presented the second of the two opinion polls commissioned by EuFoA ahead of the Presidential Elections 2013. The polls were conducted by TNS opinion, the world leader in opinion research and custom/ad hoc research together with their Armenian partner IPSC.   The results of the polls were publicly presented during press conferences on 25 January (EuFoA Press Release: Armenians take elections seriously, despite clear lead of incumbent) and 9 February... Read more

Voters show more trust in elections as race enters final phase – Hovhannisyan strongly gains while Sargsyan still looks most certain to win in 1st round

Please click here to download the full opinion poll report. Please click here to download this press release in PDF format. Today, 9 days before the presidential elections, TNS opinion is presenting the results of its survey "Poll: Armenia on the Eve of Presidential Elections" describing the voting preferences and motivations of the Armenian voters, but also their views on the on-going campaigns of the various candidates. For this TNS opinion poll, implemented together with their local... Read more

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February 2013