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January 2012 - EuFoA

Month: January 2012

Armenia ranked 39th in World Economic Index, 19th in Europe

Armenia ranks 39th in the world according to the latest index of Economic Freedom released by the Heritage Foundation, in cooperation with the Wall Street Journal; with a score of 68.8, down by a point from last year's index. However, Armenia ranks 19th out of 43 European countries.   Down/Up: Armenia drops in Economic Freedom but excels over bordering foes (source: http://www.armenianow.com/economy/34603/armenia_economic_freedom_index)   The latest Index of Economic Freedom... Read more

Erdogan hysteric – should he resign?

On 25 January 2012 Mediamax news agency (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published his commentary on the reactions in Turkey regarding the French bill prohibiting the denial of the Armenian Genocide, adopted by the French Senate on 23 January 2012. Click here to read the column in Armenian Click here to read the column in Russian   Erdogan hysteric - should he resign? (Source: http://www.mediamax.am/en/column/12200/) The hysteria in... Read more

The 10th round of trilateral Karabakh talks took place in Sochi

On 23 January the Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia met in Sochi to discuss the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This was their tenth trilateral summit. A joint statement was issued in which the leaders noted that in the aftermath of intensive negotiations a progress has been achieved in the coordination of the basic principles of Nagorno-Karabakh settlement. Below we provide you with an article by Public Radio of Armenia on the results of the meeting of the Presidents of... Read more

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January 2012