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March 2011 - EuFoA

Month: March 2011

Stefan Fule: “We would like to see more progress”

Stefan Fule, European Union Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy, is currently on a visit to Armenia to discuss the Eastern Partnership (EaP) and the Association Agreement negotiations between Armenia and the EU. In the interview below, he outlines news, successes and challenges of this process. Click here to read the Joint Declaration between the European Commission and the Government of the Republic of Armenia (03/05/2011) Click here to read the article in... Read more

Armenia gains new support from the European Parliament

On 14 April 2011, Mediamax (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published an analysis of the new European Parliament (EP) resolution on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and its meaning for Armenia.   Click here to read the article in Armenian   Click here to read the article in Russian     "Armenia gains new support from the European Parliament" (Source:... Read more

EuFoA welcomes police handling of demonstrations in Yerevan

European Friends of Armenia is relieved about the decision by Yerevan police to avoid any clashes and allow yesterday's demonstration of the Armenian National Congress (ANC) to move onto Opera Square, even though it was not authorised in that place. "The development is still very fresh, but Armenia today seems to be more democratic and the current authorities seem to act differently from those in March 2008. Generally positive developments were also noted yesterday by the Council of Europe... Read more

Sochi agreement is good news for refugees and IDPs

On 10 March 2011, Mediamax (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published an analysis about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In the article, he discusses the potential changes for refugees and IDP's after the Sochi Summit of 5 March 2011.   Click here to read the article in Armenian Click here to read the article in Russian "Sochi agreement is good news for refugees and IDPs" (Source:... Read more

Sochi agreement is good news for refugees and IDPs

On 10 March 2011, Mediamax (mediamax.am), to which our Secretary General, Michael Kambeck, is a columnist, published an analysis about the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. In the article, he discusses the potential changes for refugees and IDP's after the Sochi Summit of 5 March 2011.   Click here to read the article in Armenian Click here to read the article in Russian "Sochi agreement is good news for refugees and IDPs" (Source:... Read more

Sochi agreement now requires full implementation, lead by OSCE

European Friends of Armenia strongly welcomes the concrete results achieved in this weekend's trilateral summit in Sochi and now calls for their word-by-word implementation, under the lead-management of the OSCE. "Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan should be congratulated, as this is another concrete achievement of the peace negotiations in recent years, following in particular the presentation of the so-called Madrid Principles and the l'Aquila declaration on July 2009. At the time, this good result was watered down by the unwillingness to accept the Madrid Principles as a whole, which so far only Armenia is ready to do. This time, Azerbaijan has the chance to regain its credibility by co-operating with the OSCE Minsk Group fully in the implementation of the points all parties agreed to in Sochi", comments Michael Kambeck, EuFoA Secretary General. Read more

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March 2011