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June 2010 - EuFoA

Month: June 2010

New Karabakh shootings prove war risk

During the night from 18 to 19 June, a shooting incident took place on the contact line in the Mardakert region. The incident resulted in casualties - 4 Armenian soldiers and 1 Azerbaijani were killed and 4 more Armenian soldiers are reported to be injured. After meetings with security experts, NGO representatives and officials in Nagorno-Karabakh (N-K), EuFoA Secretary General Michael Kambeck concluded: "this was a dangerous and risky manoeuvre, apparently initiated by Azerbaijan. It looks... Read more

EU officials condemn breach of ceasefire in Nagorno-Karabakh

After the trilateral meeting of the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian Presidents on Nagorni-Karabakh conflict in Moscow on 17 June, the ceasefire on the ground was violated. During the night from 18 to 19 June, a shooting incident took place on the contact line in the Mardakert region. The incident resulted in casualties - 4 Armenian soldiers and 1 Azerbaijani were killed. International bodies and EU officials have reacted to the situation. Strongly condemning the incident, the OSCE Minsk... Read more

Ashton deliberations surprise Europe-Armenia Advisory Council meeting

The first meeting of the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council took place on 28-30 May in Larnaca, Cyprus. The meeting, chaired by Mr Ioannis Kasoulides, MEP and Vice-Chair of the EPP Group, focused on perspectives of the EU-Armenia partnership, especially in the context of the forthcoming Association Agreement negotiations, as well as the situation in the region. Guest participants were Mr Takis Hadjigeorgiou and Ms Antigoni Papadopoulou, MEPs from Cyprus. In this context, the High... Read more

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June 2010