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2 March 2010 - EuFoA

Day: March 2, 2010

New site about Khojaly events launched recently

Just a few days ago we saw an anti-Armenian demonstration organized by Azerbaijani Embassy in Brussels, regarding the Khojaly episode of the Karabakh conflict in 1992. The newly established website about those events, "Khojaly: The chronicle of unseen forgery and falsification" (http://www.xocali.net/EN/index.html) could be a good source for information about the Khojaly events that Azeris try to distort. Even last year, the Azerbaijan's Aliev Foundation made efforts at organising an event in... Read more

Turkey should make friends with Armenia to win confidence of the European Union

On 26 February, ArmInfo published an interview with Dr Kambeck, Secretary General of EuFoA, about the open letter released by the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council calling upon a prompt intervention of the EU on the Turkey-Armenia rapprochement.   Below we provide you with the whole interview from ArmInfo. Turkey should make friends with Armenia to win confidence of the European Union (Source:... Read more

Turkey should make friends with Armenia to win confidence of the European Union

On 26 February, ArmInfo published an interview with Dr Kambeck, Secretary General of EuFoA, about the open letter released by the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council calling upon a prompt intervention of the EU on the Turkey-Armenia rapprochement.   Below we provide you with the whole interview from ArmInfo. Turkey should make friends with Armenia to win confidence of the European Union (Source:... Read more

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March 2010