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March 2010 - EuFoA

Month: March 2010

Il Riformista published a report about Nagorno Karabakh

On the last Sunday's issue of Il Riformista, Anna Mazzone signed a touching report "Nagorno Karabakh, the land of contention between Armenians and Azeris", tracing the recent history of Nagorno Karabkh and its people.   The conflict for the independence of this strip of land started in 1988 after the Berlin wall's fall and caused 35.000 victims and 750.000 refugees. Since the signature of the ceasefire in 1994 the people of Nagorno Karabakh live in a suspended atmosphere... Read more

Europe-Armenia Advisory Council member MEP Frank Engel interviewed by Armenian media

On Friday 18 March, ArmInfo and PanArmenian published interviews with EuFoA's Europe-Armenia Advisory Council member, MEP Frank Engel, in which he discusses the Armenia-Turkey rapprochement and explains why the process is being hampered.   Below we provide you with the interviews. Other Armenian media, including Armtown and Time.am, reprinted the interviews.   Member of Europe-Armenia Advisory Council: Azerbaijan hampers Turkey's joining European Union (Source:... Read more

Europe-Armenia Advisory Council member MEP Frank Engel interviewed by Armenian media

On Friday 18 March, ArmInfo and PanArmenian published interviews with EuFoA's Europe-Armenia Advisory Council member, MEP Frank Engel, in which he discusses the Armenia-Turkey rapprochement and explains why the process is being hampered.   Below we provide you with the interviews. Other Armenian media, including Armtown and Time.am, reprinted the interviews.   Member of Europe-Armenia Advisory Council: Azerbaijan hampers Turkey's joining European Union (Source:... Read more

Turkish Prime Minister threatens to expel 100,000 Armenians

Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been criticized for a statement he made about Armenians. In the statement, which appeared in an interview for BBC on Wednesday 17 March, Erdoğan threatened to expel Armenians living illegally in Turkey. The interview sparked a lot of controversy, even among Turkish media, and has been widely commented.   Below we provide you with an article from Hurriyet commenting on the statement.     PM Erdoğan's Armenian... Read more

Swedish Parliament recognises the Armenian Genocide

On Thursday 11 March, a week after a similar decision of the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Swedish Parliament voted a resolution in which it recognises the Armenian Genocide.   Below we provide you with an article from CNN regarding the vote.   Turkey protests Swedish genocide vote (source: http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/europe/03/12/turkey.sweden.genocide/index.html)   Istanbul, Turkey (CNN) -- Turkey has canceled a high-level summit... Read more

EuFoA comments on EU Delegation trip to South Caucasus

n an article appeared in Radio Free Europe on 1 March, EuFoA commented on the EU Delegation trip to South Caucasus praising the EU for its more more active involvement in the Western-backed process.   Below we provide you with the article from Radio Free Europe.     EU Delegation Due in Armenia (Source: http://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/1971691.html)     A high-level delegation of the European Union led by Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel... Read more

EuFoA comments on EU Delegation trip to South Caucasus

In an article appeared in Radio Free Europe on 1 March, EuFoA commented on the EU Delegation trip to South Caucasus praising the EU for its more more active involvement in the Western-backed process.   Below we provide you with the article from Radio Free Europe.     EU Delegation Due in Armenia (Source: http://www.azatutyun.am/content/article/1971691.html)     A high-level delegation of the European Union led by Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel... Read more

EU delegation visit to the South Caucasus

In the framework of an official trip in South Caucasus, a delegation of the European Union composed among others of the EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus, Peter Semneby, arrived yesterday in Yerevan to meet the Foreign Minister of Armenia, Edward Nalbandian, and the President, Serzh Sargsyan. On this occasion the Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos who leads the delegation has spoken in detail about the priorities on the Armenia-EU cooperation agenda, which include the possibility... Read more

New site about Khojaly events launched recently

Just a few days ago we saw an anti-Armenian demonstration organized by Azerbaijani Embassy in Brussels, regarding the Khojaly episode of the Karabakh conflict in 1992. The newly established website about those events, "Khojaly: The chronicle of unseen forgery and falsification" (http://www.xocali.net/EN/index.html) could be a good source for information about the Khojaly events that Azeris try to distort. Even last year, the Azerbaijan's Aliev Foundation made efforts at organising an event in... Read more

Turkey should make friends with Armenia to win confidence of the European Union

On 26 February, ArmInfo published an interview with Dr Kambeck, Secretary General of EuFoA, about the open letter released by the Europe-Armenia Advisory Council calling upon a prompt intervention of the EU on the Turkey-Armenia rapprochement.   Below we provide you with the whole interview from ArmInfo. Turkey should make friends with Armenia to win confidence of the European Union (Source:... Read more

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March 2010