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17 February 2010 - EuFoA

Day: February 17, 2010

Armenia can become one of regional energy hubs in case of opening borders with Turkey

On 17 February, PanArmenian published a commentary from EuFoA's team about the situation of the ratification of the protocols. /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkish civil society seems to be the main pushing force behind the ratification of the protocols in Turkey, Dr. Sargis Ghazaryan, Senior Research Fellow at European Friends of Armenia organization believes. "As we know, according to the provisions of the protocols, Turkey should open its border with Armenia in two months time after their... Read more

Protocols ratification and implementation – necessary condition to unleash Armenia’s potential

On 17 February, PanArmenian published a commentary from EuFoA's team about Turkey-Armenia rapprochement. /PanARMENIAN.Net/ If Turkey-Armenia rapprochement, initiated by Armenia, supported by the most influential actors of the international arena, namely Russia, USA and EU that led to the signature of bilateral protocols on 10 October 2009 were to succeed, it would deeply transform and enhance the strategic posture of both Armenia and Turkey. Moreover, its spill-over effect would have the... Read more

Armenia can become one of regional energy hubs in case of opening borders with Turkey

On 17 February, PanArmenian published a commentary from EuFoA's team about the situation of the ratification of the protocols. /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Turkish civil society seems to be the main pushing force behind the ratification of the protocols in Turkey, Dr. Sargis Ghazaryan, Senior Research Fellow at European Friends of Armenia organization believes. "As we know, according to the provisions of the protocols, Turkey should open its border with Armenia in two months time after their... Read more

Protocols ratification and implementation – necessary condition to unleash Armenia’s potential

On 17 February, PanArmenian published a commentary from EuFoA's team about Turkey-Armenia rapprochement. /PanARMENIAN.Net/ If Turkey-Armenia rapprochement, initiated by Armenia, supported by the most influential actors of the international arena, namely Russia, USA and EU that led to the signature of bilateral protocols on 10 October 2009 were to succeed, it would deeply transform and enhance the strategic posture of both Armenia and Turkey. Moreover, its spill-over effect would have the... Read more

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February 2010