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November 2009 - EuFoA

Month: November 2009

EuFoA hosts round-table with H.E Mr Arman Kirakossian

Today, 27 November 2009, European Friends of Armenia held a policy briefing at its Brussels office with H.E. Mr. Arman Kirakossian, Deputy Foreign Minister of Armenia responsible for International Organisations and Armenia-Turkey relations. Key representatives of European Institutions, Brussels-based think-tanks, NGOs and mass media, as well as diplomats took part in this event. The focus of Mr. Kirakossian's speech and the subsequent discussion was on recent developments in and around the... Read more

Azerbaijan repeats open war threat alongside Nagorno-Karabakh talks

On Sunday, 22nd November, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan met with his Azeri counterpart, President Ilham Aliyev, to hold talks about the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The meeting was also attended by the two countries' foreign ministers (Edward Nalbandian and Elmar Mammadyarov respectively). President S Sargsyan with President I Aliyev (source: http://www.president.az/articles.php?item_id=20091123102130576&sec_id=8)The talks were mediated by Robert Bradtke (USA), Ambassador Yuri Merzlyakov... Read more

EuFoA hosts reception for European Parliament staff

On Thursday 19 November EuFoA held a reception for MEP Assistants  and staff working in the European Parliament. The purpose of the event was to introduce EuFoA as a resource and contact point for staff working on Armenian issues. Guests also had the opportunity to sample some traditional Armenian dishes and the famous 20 year old Ararat Nairi cognac.   Images from the reception (November... Read more

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November 2009