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14 October 2009 - EuFoA

Day: October 14, 2009

EuFoA’s Secretary General comments on Turkish-Armenian thaw

Soccer Diplomacy May Speed Turkish-Armenian Thaw (source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&sid=aI7xpNY1IA7k)   By Ben Holland   Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan may not mind if Turkey's soccer team thrashes Armenia this week. He has his sights set on a higher goal -- ending a century-old dispute between the two neighbors. Sargsyan is due to attend the Oct. 14 World Cup qualifier in Bursa, northwest Turkey, the first visit by an... Read more

Armenian media report on EuFoA’s conference

On Tuesday, 13 October in Yerevan, EuFoA hosted a conference entitled "EU and NATO - how to secure stability for Armenia and the South Caucasus". The event was organized in the framework of NATO week in Armenia, and co-sponsored by NATO. Below we provide you with two articles about the event.   There is lack of security guarantees in the South Caucasus (source: http://armradio.am/news/?part=pol&id=15916)   13.10.2009 16:38 - Lusine Vasilyan,"Radiolur"   "The... Read more

EuFoA’s Secretary General comments on Turkish-Armenian thaw

Soccer Diplomacy May Speed Turkish-Armenian Thaw (source: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&sid=aI7xpNY1IA7k)   By Ben Holland   Oct. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan may not mind if Turkey's soccer team thrashes Armenia this week. He has his sights set on a higher goal -- ending a century-old dispute between the two neighbors. Sargsyan is due to attend the Oct. 14 World Cup qualifier in Bursa, northwest Turkey, the first visit by an... Read more

Armenian media report on EuFoA’s conference

On Tuesday, 13 October in Yerevan, EuFoA hosted a conference entitled "EU and NATO - how to secure stability for Armenia and the South Caucasus". The event was organized in the framework of NATO week in Armenia, and co-sponsored by NATO.   Below we provide you with two articles about the event.   There is lack of security guarantees in the South Caucasus (source: http://armradio.am/news/?part=pol&id=15916)   13.10.2009 16:38 - Lusine... Read more

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October 2009